Happy Holidays from Dorian Light!

Published: Fri, 12/19/14

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a Holiday Season full of Love, Ease, Grace & Joy!  It has been an honor and a privilege to work with you individually and collectively this year. As always, I will be sending you many blessings for your spiritual grown and heart’s desires in 2015.  May the energies of this New Year help to enlighten you, empower you, bless you, heal you and unify you through all dimensions, time and space.
Thank you from my whole heart for your love and support of my work on my radio show “All About You”, radio show interviews and workshops Anchorand  my webinar and healing sessions on the Zero Hour (especially when technology was a challenge – LOL!).

I honor each and every one of you for your beautiful presence of Infinite Light that shines brightly upon this planet and out into the Universe.   I stand in awe of your Magnificence and Brilliance on this journey that we travel together called “Life”.  I am blessed to have your presence in my life and the world is blessed by all the work that each of you are doing individually and collectively to help humanity go back to the Heartbeat of Mother/Father God.  Step by step, we are going Home!

Much, Much Love & Light, my beautiful friends of the Light!