It's Show Time! join us now! Equinox and Blood Moon Light Codes, Attunements and Activations!

Published: Fri, 09/25/15

Blessings ,

It's Show Time on the Pacific Coast but all our friends on the East Coast still has until 6pm to register! Equinox and Blood Moon Light Codes, Attunements and Activations! Let us uncover the messages being sent to us in these "once in a lifetime" events! 
How can I embrace what is to come with the Super Blood Moon? 
How will my life be affected?

I invite you to join for this incredible event today, Friday, September 25, 2015. We will be exploring these one of a kind Astrological events of extra importance... the Equinox on 9/23/25 and the Super Blood Moon Eclipse on 9/28/15! I can't wait to share this information with you! 

Join Me by Registering at:
Lauren Galey's Healing Conversations
this Friday, 9/25/15 @ 3:00pm PST,6:00pm EST...

You can register at or easily click the link button below!

With Love and Light,
Dorian Light
Language of Light Speaker, Healer & Intuitive