It's not too late! Powerful Full Moon Light Code Attunements, Alignments, and Activations on May 3, 2015 @ 2pm

Published: Thu, 04/30/15

Blessings ,

Excitement is in the air as we prepare for a powerful Full Moon Event with Light Code Attunements, Alignments and Activations! This webinar is a working session designed to help you clear specific sabotaging patterns that may be keeping you from stepping into your power and living your soul’s purpose.  A special "thank you" to my beloved friends who have joined me through the years and I would also like to welcome new friends who have recently found my work with Psychic Energetics and the Language of Light.  Through this work, I hope that I can help each of you to shift, change and heal your life.  Welcome... I look forward to our time and our work together this Sunday! So, if you haven't registered yet, it's still not too late. An easy registration link is provided below. 
Powerful Full Moon Light Code Attunements,Alignments, and Activations!

Join me on Sunday, May 3, 2015 @ 2:00pm EST for a Powerful Light Code Event. On this full moon, I will be using Psychic Energetics, Light Codes, and the Language of Light to assist you in shifting, changing, and healing your life!  

... And the time to register will be running out very soon!

Here's what we will be working on with you... 
  • Light Code Attunement, Alignment & Activation
  • Clearing and Releasing "self sabotaging patterns". Why so many Lightworkers are hiding and clearing those sabotaging patterns.
  • Clearing and releasing "soul patterns" that keep you from fully stepping into your power.
  • Clearing & Releasing various programs that I have recently identified in people's fields that are coming up to be released
  • Bringing in new awareness and understanding to help you step into your soul's purpose.
  • Stepping into your power and purpose with the "What Is The Possibility" principle. 
 Don't miss the most powerful work session
of 2015: "Light Code Attunements,
Alignments & Activations." 

Much Love and Light!
Dorian Light
Language of Light Speaker, Healer & Intuitive