6:00 TONIGHT! | Dorian Clear's Emotional Chains from Your Heart Wall!

Published: Thu, 01/22/15

Dorian Light Featured on
Healing Conversations!

with Lauren Galey 01/22/2015 at 6:00PM

Clearing Emotional Chains
& Heart Walls

Using Psychic Energetics & Light Language!

Your emotions are the sum total of all your experiences in this lifetime as well as your past lives.  When you have an experience that evokes an emotion and the subconscious or psyche can't process it, it will imprint it within it's memory banks or the physical body.  These imprints then run behind the scene programs that can sabotage your life in various ways without you even being aware of them other than you feel stuck, stagnant, confused, reactionary and much more.   

Dorian addresses and helps you process key "emotion codes" that can be sabotaging your life. She then uses Psychic Energetics, Light Codes & the Language of Light to clear and dissolve these patterns.  

"Step Into The Realm Of Infinite Possibilities" for Your Life!
Join Dorian on:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

(Start at 6:00PM EST)

Go to Lauren Galey's website and Register NOW!

To learn more about the power of Psychic Energetics
 and to schedule a PRIVATE SESSION, email Dorian directly at:

or visit the www.DorianLight.com website
for a lot of great information.