SESSION #2 Getting Closer to Your Alignment with the 2015, New Year!

Published: Fri, 12/12/14

WOW!  Here Comes the Next Powerful
Light-Code "Session # 2"!

Over 120+ people experienced these POWERFUL codes from Session #1 ... 
Don't miss this next amazing session as they will become more powerful as we enter into the 2015 New Year ... Register Below!

Second of three (3) "FREE" 10 Minute Sessions with Light ​Codes for the 2015 New Year!
Powerful Light Code Attunements for the New Year!
Session #2

 If you thought the Attunements, Alignments & Activations on 12/2/14 were POWERFUL, wait until you experience the ones on 12/18/14.   Dorian continues to receive some pretty amazing responses from the session.

Every Session is different.  The 11/18/14 session dealt a lot with the physical body, however, the Attunement on 12/2/14 dealt more
​with the emotional heart wall patterns.

  Only the Universe knows what it has in store for you next! 
So join Dorian on Thursday, 12/18/14 @ 9:00pm EST as she brings forth the Light Codes that will help you to Attunement, Align & Activate with the New, Intense & Amazing energies that are coming forth onto the planet for 2015!


Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Wednesday, December 18, 2014
Friday, January 9, 2015

(ALL Sessions Start at 9:00PM EST)

Get all the details for these FREE SESSIONS
at the REGISTER NOW button below:​

To learn more about the power of Psychic Energetics
 and to schedule a PRIVATE SESSION, email Dorian directly at:

or visit the website
for a lot of great information.