"Clearing & Activating Your Energy Field" | Dorian Light's "All About You Radio Show" tonight at 8PM Eastern/5PM PT

Published: Wed, 01/29/14

Clearing & Activating Your Energy Fields with Physic Energetics,
Light Cards and the Language of Light!

with Radio Show Host, Dorian Light on Her Show, "ALL ABOUT YOU"


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Dorian will use these above cards in her clearing and activation segment of tonights show.

Clearing & Activating Your Energy Fields with Physic Energetics, Light Cards and the Language of Light.

The Universe wants you to be FREE from your old patterns so that you can create the future of your dreams! Join Dorian Light as she explores the geometric symbols, colors and sounds of the Light Cards and Language of Light. Dorian will explain how they can individually and collectively, clear, heal and activate your personal power and energy fields. These tools of light can facilitate powerful shifts and healing within every aspect of your being. Current and past life patterns that may be sabotaging your life can be cleared through these same tools.

Dorian will do a Light Session to initiate shifts within your personal field that your soul is ready to accept. She will also activate key codes of information that are ready to come on line from within your soul's memory banks.

Join Dorian and step into your own power and purpose. Discover who you really are and "Enter Into the Realm of Infinite Possibilities" for your life.

5 minutes before the show starts in your area go to this link:

8:00 PM Eastern / 5:00PM Pacific 

Can't listen at this time?
This show replays 12 hours later at the above link AND all previous shows
 are available anytime on the right side of this page below:


+++ PLUS +++

Don't miss Dorian's (LIVE) FREE HEALING CALL immediately after
the show.  Go to www.DorianLight.com right now and scroll down on the 
home page to register for the call if you have not already done so!

See you tonight!

Visit: www.DorianLight .com