Don't Miss TONIGHT's 4th Episode in the Series, "Poverty Consciousness" on the Dorian Light Radio Show, "All About You"~

Published: Wed, 12/04/13

with Radio Show Host, Dorian Light on Her Show, "ALL ABOUT YOU"


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More info here on the Facebook EVENT PAGE:

This important Poverty Consciousness Series continues about the many things that you have been taught from childhood about money and what you believe about money that may be sabotaging your life. Dorian explores and explain how old patterns and programs of poverty consciousness that may be sabotaging your life and keeping you from the success you divinely deserve.

Join Dorian as she uses Psychic Energetics to help you clear many of these patterns that no longer serve you.  Step into the "Realm of Infinite Possibilities" and the "Freedom to Choose" what you wish to create for your life!

8:00 PM Eastern / 5:00PM Pacific 
(NOTE TIME CHANGE TO EVENING for greater participation!)

LISTEN LIVE at this link:!dorian-light-radio-show/c1ng3

Can't listen at this time?
This show replays 12 hours later at the above link AND all previous shows
 are available anytime on the right side of this page below:!dorian-light-radio-show/c1ng3

Visit: www.DorianLight .com