Are Your Thought Patterns & Belief Systems Sabotaging Your Life?

Published: Wed, 10/30/13

Are Your Thought Patterns & Belief Systems Sabotaging Your Life?


Join Dorian Light as she explores conscious and subconscious belief systems around the topics of love, money, relationships and more. Find out how many of your beliefs and patterns may be blocking your path to success or sabotaging your life. 

Using Psychic Energetics and the Language of Light, Dorian will clear old belief systems and patterns that no longer serve you. If you are unable to call into the live show, please email one (1) situation, issue or question you have about your life to and she will address it on the show.

Join Dorian and "Let Go of What No Longer Serves You & Step Into
The Realm Of Infinite Possibilities" for your life.

LISTEN TONIGHT: WEDNESDAY EVENING at 8:00 PM at this link:!dorian-light-radio-show/c1ng3

JOIN TONIGHT, Wednesday, October 30th, 2013, 
8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific

You can also listen to any of Dorian's previous show in the archive.
Just click on the link above to get to the radio Show page, then click on past shows
on the list on the right side of the page. You can listen at any time for FREE!
Visit: www.DorianLight .com