DON'T WAIT! Register for the 2016 Light Codes | Session II ...THIS Friday Jan 22nd!

Published: Wed, 01/20/16


2016 Light Codes | Session II
Attunements, Alignments and Activations (AAA's).
January 22nd, 2016 (THIS Friday)
8:00 Eastern Time

Join Dorian Light for the FREE 2016 Light Code Attunements, Alignments and Activations (AAA's). These AAA's will help you to align with the Powerful 2016 energies already coming onto the planet which will intensify as the year goes by. 


If you haven't already listened to the 2015 AAA's, please be sure to go to Dorian's website, and listen to them before the end of 2015 as they will help prepare you for the 2016 energies. The AAA's will help you to step into the fullest and highest potential of "Who You Are" and "What You Came Here To Do".

For those that may have missed the 1st Session, you can get the replay instantly at, (The link to the replay is on the home page, just scroll down a  bit.)


So be sure to join Dorian Light on Friday, January 22, 2016 at 8:00pm Eastern time to see what information the Universe may be providing her to help you in this amazing beginning to the 2016 New Year!.

All emails have correctly noted that this event is for this Friday, January 22, 2016 at 8:00 PM. The initial registrations pages incorrectly stated that it was 12:00 A.M. it default time. This was corrected immediately on the registration but we did was to clarify that is is in fact as 8:00PM. Apologies for any confusion.

See you at this amazing, free event!

Love and Light,

Dorian Light | Shift, Change & Heal Your Life